The Teensy is a breadboard-friendly development board with loads of features in a, well, teensy package. The Teensy 2.0 breaks out all of the IO available on the ATMEGA32U4 to breadboard.
The Teensy 2.0 comes pre-flashed with a bootloader so you can program it using the on-board USB connection: No external programmer needed! You can program the Teensy in your favorite IDE using C or you can install the Teensyduino add-on for the Arduino IDE and write Arduino sketches for Teensy.
- 8-Bit AVR Processor 16 MHz (ATMEGA32U4)
- 31.5K Flash Memory, 2.5K RAM, 1K EEPROM
- Single Pushbutton Programming
- Arduino Compatible
- 12 Analog Inputs
- 25 Digital I/O Pins
- 7 PWM outputs
- SPI and I2C
Pin Assignment Chart: C, Arduino