The ADS1220 is a high precision 24-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) from Texas Instruments. It has four (4) single channels which can be used as four single-ended inputs channels or as two (2) differential input channels. Also, it has a low-noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The ADS1220 has two programmable excitation current sources, a voltage reference, an oscillator, a low-side switch, and a precision temperature sensor Furthermore, it offers two modes of conversion. That is, it can use either continuous conversion or single-shot conversion modes..
ADS1220 can measure two PT500 and PT1000 sensors as RTD 1,2,3,4 Wire.
- Four channel inputs (or two differential inputs)
- Voltage: 3-5V
- 24-bits resolution (20-bits ENOB or effective resolution)
- Programmable gain amplifier and programmable data rates
- 50-Hz and 60-Hz noise rejection
- Low drift internal voltage reference and accurate internal oscillator
- Programmable current sources
- Internal temperature sensor
- SPI interface