MAX6675 is a 12-bit resolution Serial K-type thermocouple to digital converter, produced by MAXIM, with merits of cold junction compensation, linearity correction, thermocouple break detection and so on.
Based on the principle of the chip, this module is available to measure temperature, using the three-wire SPI communication, plus a K-type thermocouple probe connected to Arduino mainboard.
Measurement results can be displayed in Arduino IDE. ) Module can be used in room temperature measurement, also refrigerator, power room, textile machinery, air conditioners and other small space industrial equipment temperature measurement .
- Simple SPI serial port temperature value output.
- The temperature range is 0℃ ~ 1024℃,
- The converter temperature resolution is 0.25 °C.
- Power supply needs: 5V
- On-chip cold junction compensation.
- High-impedance differential inputs.
- Fast response and High sensitivity
MAX6675 Module datasheet and arduino code