The SD card is the end of the data storage problem for the Arduino, making it a must have if your project is running away from a computer. Let's say you want to make some kind of data logging in the woods, you certainly can't attach your Arduino to a computer just to store data, but with the SD card shield, you can. In this case, the Arduino will write on the SD card, no need for a computer! And all of that running off a small power supply! Neat, huh?
The SD Card Shield v3.0 is a Break out board for standard SD card. With the flash memory card price drop,it is the time to add mass storage for data logging to your project! Arduino cannot hold lots of data by itself: That's why the SD card shield is a great add on to your Arduino project that involves logging data, or simply reading or writing (lots of) data. Another great thing is that SD cards are unexpensive, widely available, and very small - a micro SD card is smaller than a coin!
Massive storage space to your Arduino - perfect for data logging or reading/writing big files that the Arduino itself can't handle (up to 2 Giga).
Supports Both Standards SD Card and Micro SD Card.
Application Ideas
Data logging on remote areas, without the need for a computer.
Reading and writing big files.
How to use and Tutorials
For a tutorial on SD card preparation, getting started and using Arduino SD Library, please click here
For Arduino Uno SD card shield data logger tuturial, Please click here